The Larantuka Strait is located in between the Flores and Adonara islands and has one of the strongest and most reliable tidal currents in Indonesia. SBS, in partnership with State-owned Enterprise, PT. Indonesia Power, are jointly developing the first utility-scale tidal turbine generator facility as part of State-owned electrical offtaker, PLN’s De-Dieselisation Plan, where the existing 5,200 diesel-fuelled generators located in 2,100 locations around the Archipelago are to be replaced with a mix of renewable energy devices, one of which is zero-emission tidal turbine generators.
In February 2022, SBS and Indonesia Power commenced a feasibility study to determine the techno-economic options for arrays of tidal turbine generators powered by tidal flows in the Larantuka Strait. The study included an IEC-compliant offshore survey to independently gather primary tidal resource data from the Larantuka Strait. The offshore survey was conducted by the geological division of top Indonesian university, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). Results of the ITB offshore survey were subsequently included in the feasibility study report deliverable which was carried out by SBS over a 3-month duration.
Following completion of the feasibility study, the partners plan to establish a special purpose company to function as the Independent Power Producer (IPP) on behalf of the partners. Equity in the IPP will be 51% (Indonesia Power) and 49% (SBS). Following an Assignment Agreement with PLN, the Parties will deliver a 25-year PPA (Power Purchase Agreement).